Plate tectonics is the earth is made of rock that are broken into piece and these piece move. the plate move is because the heat go up and the cool go down that can separate the piece and push the piece come together.
I agree with the theory of plate tectonics. before all continent is a Pangaea. that all is one piece. the convection currents is separate the Pangaea to the 7 continent now.
In my opinion about the plate tectonics is I think after a thousand or million all the plate will be get push back together or maybe get separate to more continent by the convection currents.
I enjoy the most about this project is the music video part. I can see the different video of the other student make.
The most challenging for me during this project is the map. is hard to find the location the west and east is mess me up.
The new skill that I learn is how to make the video and the different way to make it and the different style video. and how to test the rock.
If I do this project again I will do better on the map,because my is mess.
I would change that have less choose. because i can't choose when I choose which project I want to work on.